Easter Sunrise Service 2018

Easter Sunrise ServiceWe would like to invite you to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord with us on Easter Sunday Morning, April 1, 2018 at Opera Plage in Nice.
This inter-church celebration has taken place in Nice for several years, in all simplicity. We follow the example of the women who were the first to meet the risen Lord.  It will begin at 7 am and be finished by 8 am.  
After a time of worship and prayer, we will have breakfast together. We invite all the attendees to bring hot drinks, pains au chocolat, or other cakes or pasteries to share. Everyone is then free to continue worshiping the risen Lord at their usual place of worship
An invitation to this event can also be found on Facebook.  By clicking on the following link you can tell us that you will be coming.  You can also use this link to invite other people to this unique celebration.