The Values of Vineyard Churches

Being Naturally Supernatural

This short video, taken from a seminar taught in Brussels, brings us back to the priesthood of all believers: that all Christians are called to serve the Lord who distributes his gifts to enable them to do all that he asks of them.

Learning to pray for one another

The apostle Paul instructed pastors and other church leaders that their mission was to equip the saints for the ministry (Ephesians 4:12), in other words, all christians must learn to do he works that Jesus trained his disciples to do.

This short video emphasizes the importance of learning to listen to the Lord in order to pray with boldness and accuracy for the people around us. This teaching was given in Brussels at a training session for the leaders of the MAVE movement.

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New Podcasts

New  Podcasts are available through our iTunes Podcasts. Some are both in French and English, including teaching by Ed Piorek on the “Love of the Father”. It was given during the conferences which hosted John Wimber when he was in Paris.  You can listen to them by clicking on the link below.

Podcasts de "La Vigne, Nice"La Vigne Nice Podcasts


The objective of this site is to show you how perfectly God loves you an to help you experience His love in your live. In addition, we are convinced that once you have been touched by this perfect love, you will be filled with a passionate love for this wonderful God. So, enjoy your visit.