Here you will find Vineyard resources in French: Worship CD’s, books, podcasts, as well as links to other sites.
For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son… (John 3:16)
We have
allowed God to touch our lives with his love. This love that he pours out in our
hearts makes it possible to love him, love ourselves, love one another and love
our neighbor. His love has made us into a family of people from many languages,
cultures, ethnic groups and countries. God loves diversity and he welcomes all
who come to him. He shows no favoritism. We want to be like him. These resources
can help us do this as individuals and as local churches.

From the beginning of the Vineyard movement, intimate worship has been our highest priority. However, the term “intimate worship” is often misunderstood as referring to soft music. Intimacy is true worship, where we worship God just as we are, where we can take off the masks and live a heart to heart experience with him. It can involve shouts, laughter, tears our whispers, all in that secret place. We aren’t putting on our “public face”, but our private and true one. And mystery of mysteries, there in that intimacy with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, he reveals himself to us. There we get to know him better. Wave after wave of his presence is poured out on us, touching us and transforming us. Justin and Monique lead us into this place of intimacy with the all mighty God.
Listen to extracts:
Other Worship CD’s
Worship CD “Viens”

Listen on Spotify by clicking here !
Worship CD “Cœur à Cœur avec le Père: Dieu Fidèle”
Listen on Amazon by clicking here !

You can subscribe to our podcasts by
clicking here !
They will help you to know God better: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You will learn how to have a personal relationship with the God who created the entire universe as well as how that relationship can change your everyday life for the better
Power Evangelism by John Wimber

Evangelism can be empowered by God when signs and wonders occur. God has given gifts to His Church for this purpose; healing and words of knowledge are among them. In this book, John Wimber challenges the Church to trust God to use His people in this way. His own life and ministry were characterized by the reality of this power.
J. Wimber, a pastor from California, clearly said: “God’s power is just waiting to be released by the Holy Spirit”. He encourages every Christian to be open to the supernatural work of God. This openness is the key to seeing more signs and wonders in our personal lies and in the Church.
John Wimber’s teaching is solidly Bible based and makes frequent reference to the experience and teaching or the Church Fathers. To order this book in French, click here.
Power Healing by John Wimber

Among other things, John Wimber
– gives persuasive biblical arguments for the healing ministry and in particular for physical healing.
– answers difficult questions like “Why isn’t everyone healed?”
– gives suggestions as to how to train Christians for an effective healing ministry.
Power Healing is filled with testimonies from the personal experience of John Wimber from the time of his calling to the healing ministry, through the desert times when nobody was healed up until his international ministry in training Christians in how to pray for the sick. He firmly believed that healing is a foundational ministry in the life of the Church. In this book he tells us franksly who he came to the understanding of why Jesus heals and how He does so through us. In dealing with the problem of suffering, he sheds new light on how we should perceive God’s heart and His will for the Church today. To order this book in French, click here.
Live the Church, Love the Church by Martin Bühlmann

“This book is foundational for everyone wishing to share God’s love passionately”. Bill Johnson
Today the Church is struggling to get this message out, despite its importance. Having come to this conclusion, Martin Bühlmann shares some insights from his experience as a church planter in order to address this issue. Useful as a precious tool for Church leaders as well as a practical manual to help Christians mature in living a life of love, this book places Jesus in the center of all efforts to edify the Church. It also highlights the necessary ingredients so that each local Church is the living image of Christ.
This book attempts to show how we can fully receive the Father’s love, share it with those around us, and become worshipers in Spirit and in truth. To order this book in French, click here.
Doing Church by Alexander Venter

“Doing Church”, by Alexander Venter, a close collaborator with John Wimber, is a
work on practical ecclesiology. Being a Christian is a lifestyle. The Chruch is
a place where Christians live out their relationship with one another and with
their Lord. The love of God flows through these relationships extending the
Kingdom of God in the world. To order this book in French write to:

Vineyard Institute proposes Bible knowledge and theology courses aimed at helping Christians become true disciples of Jesus Christ and to provide training for Church leaders. Some of the courses are available in French. For more formation, write us at: